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February 09, 2004

Multimedia Training for reporters and storytellers

As noted in my last blog entry about "writing with video",  for personal video publishing to go anywhere, people have to not suck at it.   Whether it's journalism, commentary, or human interest stories, good storytelling is essential to make something anyone wants to watch. 

Starting with Five Steps to Multimedia Reporting, and going on to inlcude basic tutorials on cameras, recording audio, editing with iMovie or FCP, Photoshop and more,  the The Western Knight Center for Specialized Journalism at the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism and the USC Annenberg School for Communication has created a comprehensive site dedicated to helping people learn the skills necessary to author and create multimedia stories.  It's written for journalists, but it's a great resource for anyone who wants to be a better video storyteller.

Posted by larryb at 06:44 AM [permanent link]
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