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May 06, 2005

Spontaneous Integration - simple Library Lookup from Amazon.com

If you've been following Jon Udell's Spontaneous Integration columns, you know about the Library Lookup Project.  It provides a bookmarklet - a bookmark that runs a local script in your browser - that does a lookup at your local library of the book you're viewing on Amazon.com.  

It has to be customized to your library's query format.  While there's a long list of preconfigured scripts for hundreds of libraries on Jon's site, my own local library network was not  among them.  So for anyone who needs it, here is the LibraryLookup bookmarklet for the SAILS Library Network, which covers 51 public libraries on Boston's South Shore - including Mansfield, Norton, Attleboro, New Bedford, Foxboro, Middelboro, Wareham, and others.  

Just drag this link (SAILS Library Network) up to your Personal Toolbar.  Then when you're viewing a single book title on Amazon, click it to see the book's availability in the local library.

Posted by larryb at 08:58 AM [permanent link]
Category: Web and Software Development